
Chocolate Chip + Granola Bagels


Serves 12
650g strong flour
2 tsps active dried yeast
65g (2 ¼ ozs) unsweetened cocoa powder – (Green & Black’s for example)
2 tsps ground cinnamon
4 tsps vanilla extract
1 tsp salt
3 ½ tsp caster sugar
1 large egg
155ml warm water
3 tbls malt extract for adding to boiling water
1 large egg white + 1 tbls water
100g chopped hazelnuts
3 tbls Demerara sugar

Mix all the dry ingredients with a whisk in a large bowl. Divide equally into two bowls and to one add the cocoa powder. Whisk egg, water and vanilla together and add equal amounts to the two bowls. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. The dough in both bowls will be firm rather than soft. Add more water or flour, as needed, to achieve this consistency. Leave to rest for 10 minutes.

Knead both doughs for 10 minutes until shiny and elastic.

Place in 2 oiled bowls and turn it round so that each has a thin coating all over.

Cover with plastic wrap and leave to prove for 45 minutes – 1 hour.

When ready, knead each for 8 minutes until doughs are soft and elastic. N.B. While doughs are proving, 2/3rds fill a large saucepan with cold water – large enough to hold 3-4 bagels evenly across its surface – about 5-6 litres size. Add the malt extract and bring water to a boil. Turn down heat and let simmer gently.

When both are proved, weigh and divide each dough into 12 equal pieces. Roll each to 8” long. Twist 1 vanilla length and 1 chocolate length round each other to form a rope, seal ends by pressing firmly together, and leave to rest for 20 minutes. While resting, make topping by combining chopped hazelnuts, Demerara sugar and cinnamon and mix well.

Boil the bagels gently for 1 ½ minutes on each side, turning with a fish-slice. Use your watch or clock to time. (The longer you boil, the chewier the bagel). Use a perforated spoon to lift from water onto a waiting tray.

Brush with egg white and sprinkle generously with prepared topping. Transfer to a tray lined with non-stick parchment. Or you can lightly grease tray instead and sprinkle the surface with coarse- ground maize for crunchiness.

Bake in hot oven for 20 – 25 minutes. Cool on wire rack.